Fish Facts
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No you can not keep great white sharks and Whales, sorry to burst your bubble.

A fish can survive in a bowl right?

WRONG! Fish need room to swim and plenty of filtration. The rule of thumb I like to go by is cycle the water 10x in an hour. For example is you have a ten gallon tank your filters should be rated at 100GPH (gallons per hour)

How many fish can I keep in my tank?

It depends on what types of fish you keep. Here are my breakdowns for a few types.

Coldwater fish (ex. Goldfish) - This group needs more than most people would ever think. 30 gallons for one goldfish is not overdoing it. Koi need at least 200 gallons each and should only be kept in outdoor ponds by experienced fish keepers.

Tropical fish (ex. guppies, neons, danios) - 1 gallon of water per inch of fish.

Cichlids (ex. Oscars, midas, green terror) - 1 fish for the first 55 gallons, 20 gallons for each fish after that. Some cichlids such as convicts can be housed and bred in 29 gallon tanks.

Betta Splendens or siamese fighting fish (pictured right) - Males can be kept in a dixie cup without filtration! In the wild bettas become stranded in small puddles in the dry season, because of this they have developed a method of using the smallest amount of oxygen in the water to breathe. Males should only be kept alone and females may be kept together. Females require more room and I recomend filtration.

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